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The Cherra lab is currently accepting applications for postdoctoral, graduate student, and undergraduate positions. If you are interested in joining the team, please email Dr. Cherra at

Postdoctoral applicants

Please include the following items in an email entitled “Cherra Lab Postdoc Inquiry”

• Coverletter
• Names and Contact Info for at least three references
• Curriculum Vitae

Graduate students

Please include the following items in an email entitled “Cherra Lab Grad Student Inquiry”:

• Description of research interests and career goals
• Description of what area of our research interests you
• Curriculum Vitae

Undergraduate researchers

Please include the following items in an email entitled “Cherra Lab Undergrad Inquiry”:

• Description of scientific interests and career goals
• List of completed courses

We are located at:

University of Kentucky College of Medicine
780 Rose Street, Lexington, KY 40536
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